Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood (Genesis 6–9)
The Wickedness of the World

A long time ago, people on Earth became very bad. They did many things that were not kind or good. There was a lot of fighting and stealing, and people didn’t care about doing the right thing. God saw how bad things had gotten, and He decided to start over. He wanted to send a great flood to wash away everything that was evil.

Noah’s Faith and Obedience

In the middle of all this badness, there was one man who was good. His name was Noah. Noah loved and obeyed God. When God saw how good Noah was, He spoke to him. God told Noah to build a big boat called an ark. God explained that He was going to send a flood, but Noah and his family would be safe if they built the ark and filled it with animals.

Noah listened to God and followed all of His instructions. He built the ark just like God said. Even though Noah didn’t know what a flood was, he trusted God and worked hard to build the ark.

The Flood Begins

When the ark was ready, Noah took his wife, his three sons, and their wives into the ark. He also brought two of every kind of animal—one male and one female—so that they could live and grow after the flood was over. Then, God sent the rain. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights, and the water covered the Earth. The flood was so strong that it wiped out everything except what was in the ark.

Waiting for the Flood to End

After the rain stopped, the water stayed on the Earth for a long time. Noah waited in the ark, trusting that God would tell him when it was safe to leave. To see if the water had gone down, Noah sent out a raven, and then a dove. The dove returned with a small olive leaf in its beak, which showed that the water was starting to go away. After a while, the water completely dried up, and the ark came to rest on a mountain.

God’s Promise to Noah

When Noah and his family stepped out of the ark, they saw a world that was different from before. God made a promise to Noah and to all people. He promised never to destroy the Earth with a flood again. To remind everyone of this promise, God placed a beautiful rainbow in the sky. Every time people saw the rainbow, they would remember God’s promise.

The Meaning of the Story

This story teaches us that even when things go wrong, there is always a chance for a new beginning. It also shows that if we trust God and obey Him, He will take care of us. The rainbow is a sign of hope and a reminder that God always keeps His promises.

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